Medvedev, Ukraine and NATO
Jens Stoltenberg said NATO is stronger than before and it's "important not to create self-fulfilling prophecies" that a Trump ...
There were many positive outcomes from last week's NATO Summit, but time will tell how the discussions in Washington will ...
Mobilization in Ukraine began to advance better. In particular, thanks to the lowering of the conscription age to 25 ...
Russia has responded to NATO's possible deployment of warships in the Black Sea. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that ...
"The main message is that the stronger the support for Ukraine and the longer we are willing to commit, the sooner this war ...
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday that Armenia's tilt towards NATO was a cause for regret ...
Consolidating Europe’s defense is a big enough job as it is.
Because of its location, Hawaii is the only U.S. state not covered by NATO's Article 5 collective defense clause.
In remarks made during NATO’s 75 th anniversary summit, U.S. President Joe Biden told NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg ...