County Councils Network urges delay to reforms after survey finds almost nine in ten authorities 'not well prepared' to ...
COSLA makes local government pay offer of 3.2% rise in 2024-25, up from about 2.8%, after UNISON members back walkout in ...
The government needs to boost funding for social work bursaries, placements and apprenticeships to attract more people into ...
In a recent interview with Community Care, renowned social work researcher June Thoburn called attention to the power ...
The new Labour government has pledged to legislate to strengthen the child protection in its first King’s Speech, unveiled ...
Rising levels and complexity of need and cost shift from NHS to councils drives biggest council adult social care overspend ...
Legislation, guidance, and policy require that the wishes and feelings of parents are taken into account during key child ...
Union suspends social work strike after 81 days of action ahead of talks with Barnet Council on resolving dispute over ...
Guidance covers implementation of standards for AMHP training that will come into force in summer 2025, covering curriculum ...
Stephen Kinnock will have direct responsibility for adult social care in new government, despite never held portfolio as ...
Following a pilot and consultation, Norfolk County Council is ready to implement the family help model across children’s ...
Bolstering approved mental health professionals’ (AMHP) role in preventing detention in hospital can “vastly reduce” use of ...