A look at the news of today and the technology of tomorrow, from the Pentagon to the battlefield.
Maximus Managing Director of Software and Infrastructure Capabilities Frank Reyes and Senior Director for Cybersecurity ...
President Biden is under increasing pressure to drop out of his reelection campaign amid growing concerns about his ability ...
Arati Prabhakar, the director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, said the government’s adoption of ...
1. OPM offers tips for a smooth transition to retirement; be sure to review them: Planning to Retire Soon 2. Review your eOPF ...
The president's doctor said his symptoms were currently "mild." Biden was last diagnosed with COVID-19 in July 2022.
The head of the Senate’s panel overseeing federal workforce issues announced Wednesday that he had introduced legislation to ...
An FBI program that links violent crimes committed across the country to apprehend serial offenders is not “currently ...
Military families move often and have to navigate varying state laws, administrative hurdles and a lack of resources for ...
Trump appointees clashed with the foreign service in his first term, but top official hopes to sell them on taking a new path ...
The federal government’s HR agency has requested biennial projections for the number of SES and scientific professionals that ...
A 920-page policy blueprint contains the Heritage Foundation’s vision for a second Trump administration — with impacts on ...